Guidelines and terms for buying cars on Jyske Finans - Remarketing
Dear partner,
We are very pleased to do business together, and for Jyske Finans a good collaboration also means a well-functioning process – we therefore want to specify our guidelines, and at the same time we want you to read and accept the following terms:
Following the mentioned above:
Jyske Finans A/S are owned by Jyske Bank A/S, and we are therefore subjected to the same restrictions, as a bank. At the same time, we have a compound Netto Biler A/S that is handling our cars, where we also are subjected to a cooperation agreement.
- Payment
- Payment deadline is 48 hours, after receiving the proforma invoice(s).
- The payment must be at Jyske Finans account within 5 working days, after receiving the proforma invoices.
- If the payment has not entered Jyske Finans’ account within this time, we reserve the right to cancel the sale.
- Loading
- Loading deadline is 21 calendar days after receiving the proforma invoice(s)
- If the cars are not loaded within 21 calendar days, we reserve the right to charge space rent, which constitute 5 EURO each day per car.
- If a driver arrives before the agreed time for releasement and loading of the cars, we reserve the right to reject the driver, until the cars are released for loading.
- Risk transition
- Jyske Finans retains ownership of the car(s) until payment is received in full.
- Jyske Finans requires that the driver can present legal ID, in connection to the loading of the cars.
Personal data policy
We need to collect and use your personal data, in order for us to provide you with the best service.
If you would like to know how we process your personal data, please refer to our personal data policy here.